INN-O-WALL® liquid feeding pen wall
INN-O-WALL® liquid feeding pen wall has a horisontal top bar and in that way it is a sturdy and strong unit.
INN-O-WALL® liquid feeding pen wall has two integrated down pipes with the same diameter as standard liquid feeding tubes and does not have a T-part which may impede the feed in the outlet. This means quick feeding giving a low agression level and uniform pigs.
INN-O-WALL® liquid feeding pen wall is for weaners, wean-to-finish, finishers and young pigs and has a strong stainless steel trough as standard. The trough is designed to prevent feed wastage and is quickly and easily mounted. Alternatively, a polymer concrete trough can be delivered.

Liquid feeding ad libitum
For weaners Egebjerg INN-O-WALL® liquid feeding pen wall can also be delivered as ad libitum liquid feeding with stainless steel troughs and head partitions which ensures a sufficient number of eating spots in relation to the number of pigs in each pen